Friday, 27 October 2017

Audience Feedback on Storyboarding

Kirsty and I worked together on drawing the storyboard and gained feedback from a target audience which suggested some ideas. 

Our original storyboard lacked scenes of horror and did not victimise a character which resulted in a lack of interest. Therefore we changed the beginning of the trailer from Sylvia sorting out old photos in her room to a flashback scene of the five friends on their camping trip from the past. This is then disturbed by a loud banging knock sound which changes to the present of Sylvia being woken up and opening her front door to find a parcel. 

Originally we simply had Sylvia opening up the parcel to reveal a necklace of her friend Chelsie, who died unknowingly on the camping trip. However the feedback suggested maybe we could incorporate more horror by including a butchered bone in the box as well to horrify and shock the audience. 

The scenes of Sylvia at home in the evening remained the same however is shown as a bad nightmare she has instead of real life that encourages her to talk to her friends who were on the camping trip. Originally we told the story as the friends were scared by the occurrences and so visited the forest where Chelsie died however the target audience felt that if they were scared, then they would not return to the forest. Therefore we changed it so one character, Matt, suggests going back to the forest to give Chelsie justice. The remaining three friends did not agree and attended school the following day where Matt was not present and so then decide to see if they could find him in the forest.

We incorporated more fast flickers of Chelsie to help increase the pace of the trailer and haunt the audience.

To include an alternative element of horror we decided to incorporate the idea of an Ouija Board that will show parts of the four friends trying to communicate with Chelsie (their dead friend). To include horror we decided to go round the circle of friends in the present day flickering between shots of them being traumatised and hurt in various ways that relate to Chelsie's death. This then cuts to a long shot of Sylvia sobbing loudly flickering between a close up of a demon-like appearance of Chelsie and a close-up of Chelsie drowning.

Towards the end of the trailer where the shots are at the fastest pace we decided to have close up shots of the Ouija board spelling 'DIE' over three shots. In between these three shots were each of the four characters looking hurt and distressed.

We finish the trailer with a long shot of the forest with Chelsie looking ghost-like with a flickering, strobe effect to create sharp, short bursts of film. This cuts to the title of the film and then the credit and release date.

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