Below is an animated GIF that I have created using Adobe Fireworks to present part of my answer to question 3:
There are 9 states of the GIF that will automatically roll round to present my answer. If, however, the animation goes too quickly, I have included my script below also.
Our main
inspiration for the plot was inspired by The Babadook, the horror in this
revolves around a children’s book and so we decided to base our plot around a
relevant object that is the source of horror. From our focus group feedback we
established that they like this idea of the psychological horror of using an object
that creates the initial horror.
planning the trailer and having completed an initial storyboard, we gained some
more audience feedback which informed us that more scenes of horror needed to
be included to shock and disgust the audience. This helps make the audience
feel anxious, disturbed and fearful. From this we incorporated animal organs to
act as human organs to portray suggestions of disgust and horror. From our
initial feedback from the focus group of our pitch from the beginning, the
group liked the idea of having an Ouija Board because this makes them feel
anxious and uneasy. Therefore we decided to include scenes of the four friends using
an Ouija Board to communicate with Chelsie. Within these scenes more glimpses
of horror were included on each of the characters, like hair pulling,
strangling, coughing up blood and bleeding out of the eyes. They also stated
how it was unclear as to why Chelsie was the one who died and so suggested that
making her character become victimised would gain higher interest; therefore we
tweaked the start of the trailer from Sylvia being at home looking through
keepsakes, to a flashback of the camping trip when Chelsie was last seen.
Another point that the audience made was that if all the friends were scared of
the occurrences, that they would not go back to the forest because they were
too frightened and so we changed it from all the friends having weird
disturbances to the character Sylvia who was the bigger bully to Chelsie than
the others. Her emotional breakdowns alongside the guilt and absence at school
of the character Matt lead the friends to return to the forest. A member from
the focus group thought that it wasn’t clear that Chelsie was dead because her
last appearance was simply her walking off into the forest alone; therefore we
created a news report scene after she left to make it clear that she had died
to strengthen the plot. Our creative minds enabled us to create the suggestion
of a police siren by using the strobe light with blue filter paper to then
flash it against the police tape to produce the effect of a crime scene with
police cars’ flashing lights.
initial idea was inspired by the Silent Hills poster because I thought that the
title of ‘Silent Screams’ reflected the idea of having no mouth meant that the
scream would be silent. From feedback though the idea was thought that maybe
layering a transparent image of Chelsie screaming could represent the idea of
her screaming is silent because it is inside of her and she cannot be heard. However
when creating the poster a member of the focus group said that they felt that
the screaming image of Chelsie was more powerful than the no mouth one and so I
changed my layering for the main image to be of Chelsie screaming with a no
mouth image of Chelsie as the overlaid transparent image. Her appearance of
pale skin whitened hair to age her made her look dead as well as intimidating
due to her harsh direct address stare. The film title and image Chelsie
screaming creates an oxymoron of her scream being silent as she cannot be
heard. This makes her appear beyond normality whereby the image can toy with
the audience to scare them and make them fear her character.
To differ
from my poster I used a long shot image of Chelsie in the forest of where she
was last seen. I experimented with a video background of Chelsie stood in the
forest and the frame zooms into Chelsie, because I felt that may this would
incorporate more interaction among the audience and maintain their attention.
However feedback given to me said how that it distracted them from the page and
made the reviews become lost on the page and so was not effective. Therefore I
went with my original plan of a still image taken from a long shot view of
Chelsie stood in the forest.
Below is the link to my Windows Movie Maker document on YouTube presenting the video footage from three target audience members:
Below are the questions I asked to some more target audience members I interviewed; I have collated their responses into one document and changed the font colour to distinguish three different people's answers:
you like the trailer; has it made you want to watch the film?
Yes, got my curiosity
Yes, I would like to see the film, seems like an easy watching
horror film
Yes, was
do you understand from the trailer, does it make sense to you?
Yeah, got the beginning where the victim dies yet changes to the
group of friends trying to communicate with her
I understood the film as a group of friends going to the woods,
one gets killed and haunts and kills the rest of them. It follows a very clear
story progression
Yes, that
a victimised girl dies and haunts her so-called friends
you know what the trailer is trying to communicate?
Be nice to your friends otherwise they will seek revenge
A horror film, aimed a teens, around be nice to each other or
they will kill you
That it is
a horror film, and scares you
other comments about the trailer?
It communicates the genre well
Easy to understand story progression, and really like the font
Easy to follow
you like the poster, would it make you want to see the film?
Yes it would intrigue me
The poster does look scary, and has little enough information to
catch my attention. It’s very simple and easy to grasp
Yes, want
to know what it is about – why the girl is screaming
you think that the poster looks professional and realistic like a real existing
horror film poster?
Yes because it follows the darkness of the horror film genre
which are never light and colourful
Yes, I believe that it could be a real poster. It has kept it
simple, yet portraits that it is a horror film
Yes, has
all the features I would expect to see
you distinguish what the poster is trying to communicate?
It shows
that the film is horror and not any other film genre
That it is a horror film and you won’t be able to hear the
Figure screaming
silently, so I assume that she is dead
other comments about the poster?
Like the chosen title font because it’s different, and has the
conventional features of a typical horror film poster.
I really liked the poster, it was probably my favourite, could
really see this in print
I like the
font choice; it’s different and catches your attention so gives it a scarier
you like the homepage, would it make you want to see the film?
Would get my interest of what the film is about
The homepage easily portraits that the film is a horror. I love
the background as it is the writing that moves, so it seems she is always
watching you. Has definitely made me what to see the film
Yes, makes
me want to find out more
you think that the homepage looks professional and realistic like a real
existing horror film site?
Yes, it has all the conventional things I would look for
Yes could easily be a real horror webpage. Love that there is a
mobile friendly version, which is better than some real websites! Also there is
not too much information on the page, so doesn’t feel like there is too much
going on. The layout and navigation also works well, and the music just adds
the right amount of creepy.
Yes, it has
all the features of a homepage
other comments about the homepage?
Easy to navigate and get around the site, can get access to all
the information needed.
Do love the webpage, seems really professional
Looks very professional,
easy to use and follow
Below is my summary from reviewing my audience feedback of the final products:
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